New: guaranteed grass establishment with Yellow Jacket Water Manager!

Of course we all want a dense, green sward as quickly as possible. But that’s not always easy to achieve in practice. Problems often occur during both germination and the establishment of the grass because of too much or too little water. That’s why we have introduced Yellow Jacket Water Manager, for guaranteed establishment of your grass!

I really wish I could have overseeded all our grass with Yellow Jacket Water Manager during the trials at our golf course. What a difference with respect to untreated seed!

Jeroen Brouwer de Koning
Head greenkeeper at Golfbaan Heelsum

What is Yellow Jacket Water Manager?

The world’s first Seed Enhancement Technology ensures precisely the right balance of moisture for both optimum germination and establishment. Yellow Jacket Water Manager was developed by Aquatrols in cooperation with Barenbrug. When it is irrigated, the substance used to enhance the seed is released into the soil, where it adheres to grains of sand, creating a Plant Survival Zone. Besides retaining water, this zone also regulates the amount of water around each seed, optimising the growing conditions to guarantee vital grass plants that will develop quickly.

The effect of Yellow Jacket Water Manager and the Plant Survival Zone.

For successful germination

A plant’s germination rate is genetically determined and can’t be influenced. What can be influenced, however, is the success of germination, because that is largely determined by the availability of water. By ensuring optimum availability of water we increase the chances of successful germination. 


Reduces abiotic stress to ensure better establishment

During the establishment period plants are confronted with a lot of abiotic stress caused by such factors as drought, heat, wind and salt. This stress is often lethal for young plants. Yellow Jacket Water Manager regulates the amount of water, and hence also the temperature, around each plant, making abiotic stress something of the past! 


Yellow Jacket Water Manager now available!

For more information download our brochure here!

For over 100 years

The Royal Barenbrug Group is a family-owned business, the core activities of which are plant breeding, grass seed production and the international marketing of seed for turf and forage grasses and legumes. Barenbrug has been the leading grass seed business in the world for over 100 years.

The Royal Barenbrug Group is a family-owned business, the core activities of which are plant breeding, grass seed production and the international marketing of seed for turf and forage grasses and legumes. Barenbrug has been the leading grass seed business in the world for over...

The Royal Barenbrug Group is a family-owned business, the core activities of which are plant breeding, grass seed production and the international marketing of seed for turf and forage grasses and legumes. Barenbrug has been the leading grass seed business in the world for over 100 years.

Where to buy
our grass seeds
Buying Seeds